golf instruction program

Three Week Journey Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

Three Weeks to Thrive is about more than just weight loss. It's a guide toward total life transformation. Losing weight is but one step on the path toward a healthier lifestyle. By living a healthier life you can be happier and more productive. You'll have more time to spend with your loved ones and more importantly, your quality of life will quickly begin to improve as you feel better, look better, and have more energy to dedicate to yourself, your family, and your friends. Inside Three Weeks to Thrive you'll find an exercise program, nutrition guide, and moderate fitness advice to get you on track and motivated toward living a healthy lifestyle. You won't find any diet pills or gimmick products in this program, only real fitness advice, researched, tested and based in science.
Embark on a Three Week Journey Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Problem Solving Games For Groups

Problem solving games are a natural when you want brain exercise and fun. Some of the best problem solving games can be played as a group. The added element of competition and "showing off" can stimulate some truly creative ideas. These games are especially good for long trips in a car, or for bored kids trapped inside by bad weather.

Best Ideas Game

This game uses a problem solving technique called "random presentation," and might even lead to some good money-making ideas. First, have someone look out the window or around the room and choose any object at random. Don't put any restrictions on this. It can be a rock on the side of the road, a stick laying in the yard, a truck, or anything at all.

Now everyone in the car or room can try to come up with the best way to make money with the chosen object. A street sign becomes a place to advertise, and trees are to be sold door-to-door. A truck can be used in a hundred ways to make money, but look for the best new way for the sake of the game maybe a traveling grocery store?

There is no winner or loser in this game. It is just an opportunity to let your imagination run wild, and to exercise your creativity. You may get a few laughs out of it too.

Concept Combination Game

Another good problem solving game for a group involves using a specific creative thinking technique, called "concept combination." You basically take two concepts or objects and combine them in some novel way. As a group game, the point is just to see who has the best idea.

What can you come up with from the combination of a chair and a microwave? Perhaps an easy-chair that has a cooler and microwave and television built in. Or microwaveable "couch potatoes" - a potato snack in the shape of a couch.

Change Of Perspective Game

You can also try the "change of perspective" technique for problem solving games. One way is to just take a topic ranging from morality to having a job, and see who can come up with the most unique (and perhaps coherent) new perspective? Could there be a world where there were no jobs? What would morality be to a virus if it had consciousness?

Once again, there are no losers in this game, or any of these types of games. It is just a chance to get creative and work that mind power. You could vote on the best idea if you want some sort of score keeping, but either way you'll enjoy these problem solving games.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tips For Closing That Consulting Deal

There are several reasons why consultants ultimately lose deals they should have won. Unless your portfolio is poor, consultants lose contracts because they either didnt listen or they didnt speak effectively to convey what services they could offer, that would help the client reach their goals. Here are a few tips to help you sell your services.

Every consultant feels that if there is anything that they do well, its talking the talk. Effective speaking is more of an art than a science. If you cant effectively convey how your services are going to help the client, you wont get the contract. 

Reflect Before You React
Its human nature to say the first thing that comes to our mind when we're asked a question. Take a moment to think of what answer is best for the client. It will show that you put thought into your work and dont just plow ahead. Your clients will appreciate that.  Your best reaction is not always your first reaction.

Keep It Simple Superstar
Just because you know the ins and outs of your business doesnt mean that your client will. Speak to them on their level, not yours. Keep the conversation simple and get straight to the point. If your client understands what you can do for them, they are more likely to hire you. If you try and dazzle them with industry speak, you'll lose them, and lose the contract.

You may find that if you are speaking to a perspective client on the phone, stand up. For many people, standing makes them get straight to the point. 

Let the Client Talk
If you want to learn how to best position yourself, find out exactly what the client wants and ask questions to home in on what their needs are. By asking questions, you gain a better understanding of how you can help the client, and the client feels that they are part of the solution.  This gives you a chance to reflect on what you can offer your prospective client.

A Little Enthusiasm Goes A Long Way
Your client feels passionate about what they do, and if you show that you are passionate and enthusiastic about providing them the solution they want, you'll get the client onboard. Enthusiasm will open many doors for you. 

Lets Get Personal
It takes experience and a watchful eye, however, if you show your client that they are more than just another big deal for their portfolio you will learn how to best work with them.  Treat all clients the same way, and you will find your schedule empty of projects. Remember that clients say things for a reason. If they volunteer that they cant talk right now because they are getting ready for Bobby's birthday party on Saturday, on your follow up call, ask them casually how the party went. Don't pry, and don't send balloons. By casually asking about the party, you show that you pay attention to details.  Knowing how successful the party was will prepare you on how to approach the conversation. 

Remember that you need to sell to the customer's needs, not your skills. Master this and you will have a long career as a consultant.