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Three Week Journey Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

Three Weeks to Thrive is about more than just weight loss. It's a guide toward total life transformation. Losing weight is but one step on the path toward a healthier lifestyle. By living a healthier life you can be happier and more productive. You'll have more time to spend with your loved ones and more importantly, your quality of life will quickly begin to improve as you feel better, look better, and have more energy to dedicate to yourself, your family, and your friends. Inside Three Weeks to Thrive you'll find an exercise program, nutrition guide, and moderate fitness advice to get you on track and motivated toward living a healthy lifestyle. You won't find any diet pills or gimmick products in this program, only real fitness advice, researched, tested and based in science.
Embark on a Three Week Journey Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

Thursday, October 14, 2010

This is article marketing as it should be

Article marketing isn't new by any stretch. It's as old as Internet marketing itself.

It sounds like a great way to profit, doesn't it? Nothing could be simpler than writing an article to target some "low hanging fruit" keywords, posting it at an article site, and watching the traffic roll in.

Yep, sure sounds great...until you realize that you'll need to write until your fingers fall off.

That's the other part of the article marketing story. You have to write A LOT.

Oh, it works, but it's a pain in the neck...until now.

Article marketing can be painless. Writing THOUSANDS of articles and raking in 
massive amounts of free traffic can be push-button simple. Mass Article Control 
makes it so easy, a kid can do it:

I bet you've heard people claim article marketing is dead.

In a way, they're right.

The competition for good keywords these days is so insanely strong, that if you try to do all the work by hand, you'll end up spending all day every day writing until you can't stand it anymore.

Think about it...

You have to write an article, which most non-writers are scared to death to do, and most writers hate doing. Then you have create lots of versions of it so you can post unique flavors of it at multiple article sites, and include the content on your own site. It doesn't take a genius to imagine how long that's going to take.

So the natural solution most people end up trying is to use software to "spin" articles into multiple versions.

Makes sense, but here's what most people who sell article "spinners" won't tell you...the output sounds like a drunk monkey hammered it out by hitting keys randomly.

Yes, it's often that bad.

So you're stuck. You can write the articles yourself, or you can hire a writer to do it, and squash your profit margins.

And that doesn't even mention how much work it'll take you to submit all of those articles. Oh, the horror!

Well, Mass Article Control gets you past being crushed under the waith of all that work. And it does it with the press a few buttons.

It's actually two products rolled into one:

1) Mass Article Creator - This is what creates your articles based on an original (you still have to write that one, or hire a writer, but it's ONE article). It's the best article writing software on the market, bar none. The output is fantastic, like a pro wrote it by hand.

2) Mass Article Submitter submits your articles to the top 10 online article sites automatically.

Do you see the power of this?

It's like having your own article writing and submitting staff slaving away for hours every day just to feed you free traffic. But you don't pay for the labor!

While most article marketers are working (or spending) themselves to death, you produce one seed article, click your mouse a few times and unleash the free traffic deluge.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like the kind of "work" I like.

Best of all, with a powerful tool like Mass Article Control on your side, you can invade any niche you want, elbow your competitors out of the way, and be king of the mountain in no time. In minutes, you'll have a phalanx of high-quality funneling you free traffic.

That's the kind of
competitive advantage you need, and it's out there waiting for you.

Here's to your article marketing success!

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